10 Best Examples of Money Well Spent
We all want to save money when possible, especially those who must or choose to live more frugally. But, on the flip side, some purchases are worth the expense for…

10 Significant Social Issues in the World that People aren’t Taking Seriously Enough
It seems like all we do today is talk about societal issues in the world. The planet's burning. This group is feuding with that group. The rent is too darn…

How Telemedicine Is Making Health More Financially Viable
How Telemedicine Is Making Health More Financially Viable was written for Playlouder by a contributing author. Please note that contributing opinions are that of the author. They are not always…

Self-Discipline: Follow These 12 Steps to Make it a Habit
Developing self-discipline isn't easy. Procrastination is the enemy of self-discipline. Here's a perfect example: "I'm going to start the keto diet tomorrow because I want to lose 20 lbs for…

Your Long-Term Health: A (Financially) Valuable Investment
This is a guest post written for playlouder.com by Ava Laurel. Please note that guest post opinions are of their author. They are not always in strict alignment with my…