How to convert HEIC to JPG: Top Tools and Software on macOS

How to convert HEIC to JPG: Top Tools and Software on macOS

How to convert HEIC to JPG: Top Tools and Software on macOS was written for Playlouder by a contributing author. Please note that contributing opinions are that of the author. They are not always in strict alignment with my own opinions. –Joe.

While it's imperative that we heap praise on Apple for originating the HEIC image format as part of their iOS update package in 2017, it’s also safe to assume that it’ll take a while before the file format is widely compatible with devices outside of Apple's ecosystem.

How to convert HEIC to JPG
Image Courtesy of Depositphotos

On some systems, pictures stored in the HEIC format are automatically converted to the older JPEG format when sent outside the system. But when this doesn’t occur, users have encountered a plethora of compatibility problems. 

For example, some US Advanced Placement online test takers failed their 2020 exams due to their iPhones uploading unsupported HEIC images by default.

Therefore, until other platforms recognize the technological leap Apple has made with HEIC over the contemporary JPEG format, and take measures for compatibility with the format, the only solution for cross-platform accessibility is a manual conversion from HEIC to JPEG.

What is a HEIC Image?

HEIC, or High-Efficiency Image Container, is the filename extension for High-Efficiency Image File Format (HFIF) ​​images encoded with High Efficiency Video Coding. It shrinks the storage needed by half, when compared to the traditional JPEG format, while still managing to capture the same quality.

While the advantages of HEIC over JPEG are undeniable, the latter still has the edge when it comes to mainstream compatibility. Therefore, it is essential, especially for iPhone users, to learn how to turn HEIC into JPG. This is particularly vital for those who want easy access, but are not willing to compromise on picture quality, and deliberately choose HEIC as the default image format over JPEG on their iPhone.

Convert Batches of HEIC images to JPG using macOS 12 or above

The new macOS 12 has taken note of HEIC's compatibility issues and has alleviated its conversion to JPEG. All you need to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Finder app, and navigate to where the HEIC files are located.
  2. Use the “command” key to select the files you want to convert, and then right-click.
  3. Click on “Quick Actions” in the list, and select “Convert Image.”
  4. Select JPEG as the conversion format, choose your preference between Small, Medium, Large, and Actual Size, and click on convert to JPEG.

Convert HEIC images to JPG using macOS 10 or 11

For users who still find themselves in possession of slightly older versions of the macOS, the process of HEIC to JPEG conversion is not at all complicated. The native apps Preview, Photos, or Automator allow users to interact with HEIC files, and any of them can be used to convert HEIC to JPEG.

Method 1: Using Preview on Mac to batch convert HEIC files to JPG

The Preview app is the default image viewer, and can allow you to turn HEIC to JPEG if you follow the following steps:

  1. Open the Finder app, and navigate to where the HEIC files are located.
  2. Use the “command” key to select the files you want convert, and then right-click.
  3. Click on “Open With” in the list, and select “Preview (Default).”
  4. Click on “Edit”, and select “Select All.”
  5. Go to the “File” tab, and select “Export Selected Images.”
  6. Choose where you want the converted images to be saved.
  7. Click on “Options”, and select JPEG as the preferred conversion format.
  8. Use the slide to determine the quality of the images, and then click “Choose” to complete the process

Method 2: Using Photos on Mac to change HEIC images to JPG

The Photos Library is another native app that allows you to interact with HEIC files and convert them using the following steps:

  1. Open the Photos Library
  2. Drag and drop from the Photos library to your desired location and it will automatically convert them to JPG. Alternatively, after selecting the images to be converted, click on “File,” and select “Export” then “Export Photos.”
  3. Select JPEG as the conversion format, and click on “Export.”

Method 3: Using Automator on Mac for HEIC to JPG conversion

Automator can help convert HEIC to JPEG after it has been set up in the Quick Actions. The following steps can guide you through the process:

  1. Open the “Applications” folder and search for Automator. Open it, and then click on “New Document” > “Quick Actions” > “Choose.”
  2. On the left pane, search “Change Type” and select “Change Type of Images.”
  3. In the Menu, click “File” > “Save” and write “Convert to JPG.”
  4. Navigate to the HEIC files, select them, and right-click.
  5. Click on “Quick Actions” and select “Convert to JPG.”

Change HEIC images to JPG using macOS 9 or lower

For users running even older versions of the macOS, there are no native apps that are capable of interacting with HEIC files. Therefore, third-party software such as iMazing is needed to convert HEIC to JPEG locally. Alternatively, the conversion is possible online with the aid of online image converters. However, due to privacy concerns, it’s advisable to use them at your own risk.

Final Thoughts

It would certainly be appreciated if HEIC becomes more widely accessible in the near future. However, until then, the HEIC to JPG conversion serves as a decent workaround. HEIC to JPG doesn’t need to be overwhelming if you choose a method that best suits you and your system’s requirements.