7 Best Places to Find Free Uncopyrighted Music for Your Videos

Anyone who’s ever made a video knows that finding good free music for videos is one of the hardest parts of the job. Here’s all the info you need to make your music search, and ultimately your video or marketing effort, a success.

Why is there really no such thing as uncopyrighted music?

By law, after someone creates a piece of music and it’s put into a form that can be distributed, the music has copyright protection…technically.

Is royalty free music the same as free uncopyrighted music?

Royalty free is a kind of copyright. It’s the opposite of a rights managed copyright. Just because it has the word “free” in it, does not mean you do not have to pay. 


So what is royalty free?  

This means that you pay the owner of the copyright ONE TIME, and then you can use the track AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT.

There are several types of Creative Commons licenses. You’re gonna want to narrow your focus to a piece of music with a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)

Types of Creative Commons license

This has free music and sound effects and it’s easy to search.

 YouTube Audio Library


Hook Sounds

All the music on our site is exclusive. This means that you won’t find HookSounds music anywhere else.

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