8 Biggest E-commerce Sectors Today

E-commerce is defined as the online purchases of consumable and durable goods for personal use. Total e-commerce revenue in 2021 was a whopping $799.5 billion and it shows no signs of slowing down with projections for 2022 totalling nearly $908 billion.

Wicked Reports used data compiled from Statista eCommerce Market Forecast to rank each sector of e-commerce based on revenues in 2021.

Amazon is one of the top providers of physical media in the United States. By 2025, the number of users in the media segment is expected to be 134.9 million.


The majority of consumers are still buying food in person as user penetration will only be 18.8% in 2022. This leaves lots of room for growth as more consumers try buying food from Amazon and online grocery retailers.


The beverage category includes all alcoholic drinks, nonalcoholic drinks like sodas and juices, and hot drinks like coffee and tea. Top sellers in this category include Amazon, grocery chains and beverage retailers like boxed.com.


Beauty, Health, Personal and Household Care

This segment includes cosmetics, perfumes, over-the-counter medicines and vitamins, and body and hair products. It also includes household goods like cleaners, paper products and hand sanitizers.

Major sellers include Amazon and Walmart in addition to Toys“R”Us and Staples. The average revenue generated per shopper is $851 and the user penetration of the segment is estimated to jump from 42.5% to 47.3% by 2025.

Toys, Hobby and DIY

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