In an age of financial scams, credit card fraud, identity theft, and flimflam artists of all sorts, the ability to manage money wisely is more than a luxury; it’s a necessity.
It’s more than the strictly monetary benefits, though. Good financial skills also have personal benefits connected to your goals, self-image, and even your emotional well-being.
Whether your main focus is becoming debt-free, building toward financial freedom, or saving for a leisurely retirement, you will want to approach it with a firm grasp of the fundamentals.
A commitment to financial wellness starts with improving financial literacy. A good grasp of your finances reduces the unknowns that cause stress and gives you the tools you need to respond when issues arise.
Robust financial health starts with your income. Everything else you do with your money — like saving for the future, taking on or paying off debt, and building up your investments — flows from your primary income, at least initially.