Life is usually good when you have enough money to pay your bills, not have debt, and enjoy the leftover money you may have. Now, if you get laid off, life gets a bit more stressful.
The bills you may have started eating up into your savings, and you will be at a place where you need help with bills being paid. This is super unfortunate and can happen to many people.
Finding help with bills can be as easy as calling 2-1-1. There are Federal programs, which you can find on the government website, but here is a list of some of the programs you can find to help you along your way.
Not having the adequate income to make it through the month for rent can be a stressful event. Here are certain places that can help with rent payments and housing for lower-income families.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can assist with any forbearance or housing assistance. It can work with you to help with mortgage assistance to get those payments lower.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) is another program that helps low-income earners find housing or assistance in low-income housing. So what it does is takes your household income and multiply it by 30%.