You really do need to take your credit score very seriously because it's the key to so many financial aspects of your life. It will determine if you can buy a house, or a car, start a business, and many other things.
How Long Does it Take to Rebuild Credit?
Now you may be wondering how long it will take to build your credit back up. Sadly again, the answer is that it could take a while. How many years depends on what your current credit score is and what steps you are taking to rebuild it.
What Do I Need to Do to Build or Improve My Credit?Monitor Your Credit
You need to sign up for a credit monitoring service. Many of these services are completely free and help you review your credit from month to month.
The Authorized User Technique
Another lesser-known credit trick is becoming an authorized user. Basically, you ask someone (like parents or other family members) if you can become an authorized user on one of their credit cards.
Pay the Right Debts Down
Generally speaking, you can improve your credit by paying your debts down. If you want to rebuild your credit much quicker, you must pay the right debts first.
It sounds a bit counterintuitive, but as I just mentioned, one of the biggest factors in your credit score is the percentage of used credit vs. available credit. The lower the percentage, the better.