The Motley Fool Method – 20 to 30 Individual Stock
The Motley Fool (TMF) is essentially a stock advisory service. They started as a newsletter (like the one you would get in the mail) that would give you stock recommendations.
For those unfamiliar with FI/RE, it stands for “Financial Independence / Retire Early.” It’s a totally cool new(ish) movement of people who want to retire early for some strange reason.
You may have heard the term “Bogleheads.” These people subscribe to the basic investing philosophy of John Bogle, founder of the well-known financial firm, Vanguard.
The Dividend Method – Cash Flow and (Hopeful) Appreciation Through Dividend Stock
This method is somewhat similar to the Motley Fool method in that your portfolio comprises individual stocks. The difference is that these stocks would not be “growth stocks.”
“Fixed income” is another term for bonds. Remember, bonds are loans you make to governments or companies where they have promised to pay you a specific interest rate for the loan.
The Fixed Income Method – A Very Conservative Strictly Bond Portfolio