The Best Precious Metals ETFs

Precious metals have historically been either inversely or uncorrelated to equities. This means that if the market does crash, you’ll have at least some protection.

You might be wondering right now “why precious metals out of all the possible investment choices?” The main reason is that physical precious metals are uncorrelated (for the most part) with the rest of the stock market.

This means the price of gold and the price of silver won’t be affected by the performance or market price of an index like SPY.

There are SO many ETFs on the market and so little information about each. Which ones should you choose?

iShares Silver Trust (SLV)

– Assets Under     Management: $14.10B – Expense Ratio: 0.50% – Average Daily Volume:     21M – Total Return (To Date):     +49% – Issuer: iShare

VanEck Gold Miners ETF (GDX)

– Assets Under      Management: $14.66B – Expense Ratio: 0.51% – Average Daily Volume:      20M – Total Return (To Date):      -23% – Issuer: VanEck

Aberdeen Standard Physical Silver Shares ETF (SIVR)

– Assets Under      Management: $1.04B – Expense Ratio: 0.30% – Average Daily Volume:      439K – Total Return (To Date):      +55% – Issuer: Aberdeen

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