3 Ways of Boosting Your Branding Through Video

Video content is hot in online marketing. Stats suggest over 86% of businesses use video marketing to boost their brand- and consumers are happy to watch it.

If you aren’t already driving your marketing efforts with the power of video, your brand is falling behind. Here’s just some of the many, many ways you can harness this impactful marketing tool for your own needs.

Make Every Second Count

If the first few seconds haven’t captured your audience, they’re clicking away. No matter how gorgeous your marketing, if prospects don’t stay around long enough to become customers, it’s missed the mark. Here are some ways you can get eyes on your brand through video.

When you first start with video content, it’s smart to spend some of it introducing your brand, rather than making product pitches.

The Brand Showcase

The Customer Showcase

Modern marketing relies on building a sense of trust with the customer. Something another happy customer, with no financial stake in the business, has to say will carry more weight than hearing an employee say the same thing.

People aren’t interested in a hard sell about products. They want to know how those products- and your brand- will make their life better. Video is a great way to do that, because you can cram so much information into a short space.

The Value-Add Showcase

The Company Culture Showcase

A recent Oracle survey suggests that companies that connect with their customers, offer personalized and smart feedback, and which align with the consumer’s values, see over 25% more loyalty from their customer base.

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