What You Should Consider When Making A Will

According to one study, over 68% of Americans do not have a will. But that is changing. In 2021, young adults are 63% more likely to have a will than they were pre-pandemic.

Making a will is not the most exciting topic, and it forces you to face your mortality.

But whether there’s a pandemic or not, it’s highly recommended to put a plan in place for your home, bank accounts, and belongings if the worst was to happen. 

What happens if you pass away without a will?

If you pass away without a will, you and your loved ones will not be in charge of how your assets get distributed.

Some assets are distributed regardless of what your will say

This isn’t quite as scary as it sounds, but you do need to be aware that some assets are passed on outside of the will, regardless of what you put in writing. 

You can set up a will for free, but beware of the limitation

If you search online, there are many free or low-cost templates you can download to make a will. But be aware that these forms will not necessarily comply with all the specifics of your state laws.

One document you may want to consider is a living will. This is an advance healthcare directive that outlines your wishes should you be unable to make those decisions. 

There are other documents you should consider besides just a will to protect you and your family

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