Why Data Security Is Important

People mostly believe that only large organizations are supposed to protect business data, which is totally wrong. Small or medium-sized businesses are more prone to data theft because they are easy targets for hackers.

Here is what happens when a business suffers from data breaches.

Legal actions

Every organization or company (B2B or B2C) has a clientele and possesses important personal details (mentioned above). In case of a data breach, the company will face legal action, and a settlement may cost millions.

Financial losses

Companies failing to protect their data may also suffer financial losses. According to a study, the average cost of data breaches was almost $4.24 million in 2021. 

Loss of credibility

A data breach of any type will make customers think that their credentials and personal information are not in safe hands. The loss of customers is the biggest loss for a company.

Business data protection is important for multiple reasons, such as avoiding financial losses, legal penalties, and credibility loss. Most importantly, it is no longer an option – using standard data security solutions such as virtual data rooms is mandatory.

To find an optimal online data room software, review and compare virtual data rooms. An independent data room comparison will give you a bird-eye view of the market and its strongest players, with pros and cons of each taken into account.

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